Friday, June 3, 2011

Indian Revolution - Was Gandhi Succesfull?

Gandhi is generally recognized as the inventor of peaceful protest and is considered one of the most influential people in world history. But was he successful in his goals for the country? Personally, I think that he was successful because he was able to lead India into independence, despite some violence breaking out. His goal was to gain independence through peaceful protest and not have to resort to violence. Gandhi personally thought that he was a failure because he was unhappy with the deaths during the partition of the country. However, despite the deaths and violence of the partition in his particular country, he instilled the idea of peaceful resistance and Satyagraha throughout the world, and essentially created a less violent world as a whole. Gandhi was only thinking about his impact on his corner of the world, but his demonstrations in India brought to light that there were more ways then violence to achieve the reforms that you want. The sole reason for the violence in the partition of the country was the tension that existed between the Hindus and Muslims, and Gandhi thought that for some reason, the tension and the deaths that came from it were his responsibility. Despite the violence in is country, he cannot blame himself for the tension that existed before he even came into the picture. It is unfortunate that Gandhi died with the belief that he was a failure, because today he is celebrated as one of the most influential people in the world's history. His long lasting impact on the world has created less violence, and although his ideas have been modified, his peaceful resistance has been used in countless revolutions and protests since his death.

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